Starting a business.

To start a franchise or to have your own store is impossible for most people because it cost millions of dollars. Even a small business is very hard to start and staying in business is even harder. Unfortunately, 95% of the businesses will fail, sending the person into bankruptcy. Thanks to the internet, it’s more affordable to start a business. You can develop your own products and/or services to market, or you can find a company that you believe in and use their products and/or services.

There are hundreds of home base businesses that use referral programs but most of them are not what they are crack up to be. So always do your own research and ask questions. With any business you look up will find complaints, but did the company do the right things to take care of the complaints. Even the Better Business Bureau was investigated by ABC News, for their unethical grading.

These are some of the important things that you should be looking for in any home base business. The more of these you find in a home base business, the easier it is to make a good residual income.

  1. Must be legal and ethical.
  2. The products and/or services should have competitive prices in the market.
  3. Should be something you already use and like.
  4. The business must be stable and secure.
  5. Debt free. Financially solid.
  6. Should not have any fees required to join or a large investment.
  7. Only requirement to get started is to become your own customer.
  8. The business must have a legal agreement that they will always do network marketing.
  9. Should not have any website fees for marketing or any other fees.
  10. Should have more than one product line.
  11. Full satisfaction money-back guarantee.
  12. Should not have to carry inventory.
  13. Should not have to take product orders.
  14. Should not have to pressure customers to purchase.
  15. Should not have to conduct selling parties.
  16. Should not have variable rates and promotional rates to entice people to switch.
  17. The older the company is, the better chance that it is legitimate.
  18. Accolades (awards) a company has received.
  19. Number of repeating customers should be very high.
  20. A compensation plan that is simple to understand and easy to build and must be fare to everyone.

More companies are starting to use word of mouth advertising so you really need to do your own research and ask questions. When you find one that you are comfortable with, go for it. The biggest differences between a home based business and a traditional business is the risk. Traditional businesses have a very high risk and network marketing businesses have basically no risk.

Some other websites entice you to put your name and email to get something for free. But what they are really doing is getting your email so they can sell it to other network marketing people. Or they want to sell you something in the future. I don’t have time for that bull crap. I just want you to have the list that I made up to help you to make an inform decision.


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There are hundreds more network marketing businesses so be very careful in picking the right one for you. I hope my twenty guidelines helped.
